When and How Pakistan economy crises began and Who are the real culprits of this economic crises ?
It began with Pakistan atomic explosions followed by Pervez Musharraf's coup.
but at its worst in Imran Khan's Govt.
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Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Pakistan Economy Crises | When it began | The Real Culprits
Thursday, July 30, 2020
End of US dollar as world's reserve Currency | Where to invest for future ?
This video explains how the end of US dollar as world's reserve Currency is near, the dollar is weakening day by day as against the gold, losing its trust and strength, that's why many countries are now adopting alternative ways for mutual trade bypassing US dollar.
China, Russia, Brazil, South Africa are the countries where their banks settle the terms and conditions for mutual trade, they either held some amount of each other's currency and settle that way or they sell oil etc. in exchange for other goods.
So, the more you print dollars, the more it losses value and the more gold and silver appreciate. at the end, the fact is that all fiat currencies have no permanent value.
World have to introduce new monetary system to save the economy otherwise, we are at the verge of biggest crises, which we never seen before.
If this happens, how can we protect ourselves from its deadly affects..?
Where to invest for future to protect our money ?
I think the best option is to invest in gold and silver.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
How hyperinflation & money devaluation began | Fall of ancient Greece empire
This video describes the main cause behind the collapse of ancient Greece empire. the main cause for that collapse was greed and wars for occupying the resources of other parts of the world, actually when they started touching the heights of progress and prosperity, they got involved in making arms and weapons which entail them to wars. at that point their financial problems began. when they fought a war with Sparta, they lost the control of their gold and silver mines, then due to their huge military expention in different parts of the world, they have to pay salaries to the soldiers in shape of gold and silver coins, so gold and silver reserves start to decline.
Then they started mixing copper in their coins with gold and silver, people get two new coins in exchange with old gold coin at first. But with the passage of time, amount of mixing metals start to increase gradually, then a time came when people receive a bunch of mixed coins in exchange for gold coin, at that time they realized the value of gold and silver, so gold and silver coins started disappearing from the market and market filled copper and nickel coins.
that lead to hyperinflation and devaluation of money first time in world history.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
How dollar is the global currency | Why Oil is sold in US dollar ?
In this video, it is described why dollar is an international currency and how dollar is the global currency..? why we trade in US dollar and why Arab world started selling oil in Us dollar Instead of gold
How to get rid of debt and inflation under current monetary system ?
In this video I explained how it's nearly impossible to get rid of spiraling inflation and debt under the current monetary system, because you can't stop printing currency notes to pay the debts under this system.